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National Park Service Integrated Campaign

Our idea for the National Park Service was simple — because it wanted increased recognition for all its sites, from historic buildings to battlefields and yes, even parks—we needed to redefine the word “Park” for current and future generations of Americas. To actually make this happen, however, would be a mammoth undertaking. We called it Find Your Park. Starting from zero, we self-funded the entire campaign, signing corporate sponsors like Budweiser, Subaru, and American Express to help make it happen. Celebrities, including Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bella Thorne, and Bill Nye were brought on board. And we even got two first ladies and the president himself to join the cause. Below are just a few of the highlights of this multi-media/cross-platform, advertising, activation and PR campaign leading up to the Parks’ Centennial year celebration in 2016.

🏆 Effie Finalist

Sitting presidents dont mention taglines often. Obama did 9 times.

Case Study

:60 OLV. Im not "outdoorsy" but I love the outdoors. This campaign was an Art Director's dream. But also a massive research project.

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There are 300+ national park sites, and hundreds more national historic sites. Sometimes, the parks would produce their own materials. So we needed an ooh/print/banner system that anyone could use.

There are 300+ national park sites, and hundreds more national historic sites. Sometimes, the parks would produce their own materials. So we needed an ooh/print/banner system that anyone could use.

NYC has 6 National Park sites. This MTA partnership helped spread the word.

NYC has 6 National Park sites. This MTA partnership helped spread the word.



HitRecord crowdsourced partnership

Crowdsourced Merchandise

Crowdsourced Merchandise

User Gen Online Video

User Gen Online Video

User Gen Online Video

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